DirectScript was established as an information and service company focused on providing clients with managed benefits services that enable the Client to better control the cost associated with prescription drug benefits while improving the quality of patient care.
- Uses its own internally developed claims processing system which provides virtually unlimited plan design options for its clients.
- Administers prescription drug programs for various types of groups including employers, unions, tpas's, and municipalities.
- Maintains and manages its own pharmacy network of over 55,000 pharmacies.
- Our customer service maintains 30 second answer time and averages less than 2% call abandonment.
- Leads the industry in real time environment which provide faster access and additional information via our internet based SQL relational database structure.
We are large enough to handle any size client, but small enough to give your group the attention it deserves. DirectScript is a new kind of pharmacy benefit manager. Built on true transparency we put the power of the big PBM's in your hands.